Who I am

From Film to Digital: My Journey as a Landscape Photography-Enthusiast Software Developer

As a software developer, I spend most of my days staring at a computer screen, immersed in lines of code, algorithms, and database queries. However, during my free time, I like to indulge in the beauty of the outdoors through landscape photography.

My fascination with landscape photography started watching my Father capturing the family vacations. I started with a 110 film camera, after that it was borrow Moms’ 35mm point & shoot and then during my late teens when I bought my first 35mm film camera. The process of capturing a moment and the thrill of not knowing the outcome until the film was developed was what captivated me.

Fast forward to today, I've now fully embraced digital photography. Although I will always have a special place in my heart for film, digital photography offers an endless array of possibilities for my creativity. I can take hundreds of photos without worrying about the cost of film, experiment with different settings and exposure times, and have instant gratification by being able to view my shots on my camera.

As a landscape photographer, I find that the combination of technology and nature offers a perfect balance. I can use my artistic skills to enhance my post-processing techniques or at times paint the images I have captured on my journeys.